Monday, August 16, 2021

8.16.21 Update

Everyone has been asking me lately to update this blog. The truth is I don’t feel like there is much to update, especially in regards to my dating life and I’m ok with that.

After the lovely breakup with everyone’s favorite Florida guy, I was pretty broken. Broken in every way a person can be broken. My self-esteem (and credit) both went to zero. Luckily for me, my self-esteem is around 90% and my credit…. well according to Credit Karma still needs work, but that’s life. (and if your credit is perfect you hush!)

It took me a LONG time to decide I was ready to put myself out there and be vulnerable again. Fortunately, the few guys I have hung out with since then have been amazing. We may not have worked as relationships, but they are great friends and I’m grateful for them.

There is someone. We’ve been off and on for 2 years. We met at work. He worked at the company next door to me in an office building. He’s 44, went to A&M for college and works for a company that installs point of sale systems for restaurants. He’s on their marketing team. Overall, he is a GREAT guy! Are there things that should change? Of course! But he puts up with me and that’s saying something.

Other than that, I’m loving being an aunt to my 4 favorite little people! I love watching them grow and learn and their little personalities are my favorite. They are smart, stubborn, funny, curious, not afraid of anything, adventurous and I love it! 

Besides my family, I stay busy with the best friends! Someone is always down to go on a crazy adventure with me. There are days I do nothing and its glorious too!

And as far as cooking….I can, but I don’t. I don’t normally eat breakfast and I always go out for lunch. I do try to eat dinner at home. I mean cereal is the dinner of champions, right?!? 

So that’s it. My life in a few paragraphs. Still unsure what to do with this blog. I’m sure a brilliant idea will come eventually.

But for now, I’m still kissing frogs…..