Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Dating Life Update

First things first, CONGRATS to all my friends who have gotten engaged or married over the past 2 weeks!!!! SO HAPPY FOR ALL YALL! NO more frogs for you! :)

It's been almost 3 weeks since my last post. I have had lots of friends ask about my dating here it is....

My dating life has stalled out! Nada! Zip! Zero! Ziltch! (sigh)

At the recommendation of a friend, I got on Hinge. It's sort of like tinder. She's had lots of dates and suggested I give it a try. Nothing. There has been a few guys I have liked, but nothing in return. 

I recently went to Dallas for work and had dinner with a good friend. I ALWAYS get asked if this guy and I are dating and all those questions that surround that. We are just friends! He and I have been friends for a long time. He's a great guy and someone I would date. Would I? Yes! He knows it, but we are just friends. We have had the "why don't we date" talk several times over the years and we always just come out as friends. Any girl that ends up with him would be a VERY lucky lady! (plus he gives the BEST hugs!!)

I'm cool with not dating anyone right now. Would I like to? Well that's a silly question! If not, then I remain steadfast in my quest to just be Cool Aunt Christi! (So far, its working!!)

But that doesn't mean that I won't date at all. When I do make up my mind about traveling, I will email the Mormon Matchmakers and see if they have anyone up for a date. 

Now I just have to figure out what to do about my blog.....any ideas? 

Until then, I am still kissing frogs....